fine than befriend me so i stop commenting on here
cause im lazy and dont like commenting on my friends blogs
so i only pm them
so befriend me and ill almost never comment on ur blog
"If that rat comes near me again, I shall BURST him."
Age 38, Male
Professional Slacker
Hull, England
Joined on 4/14/05
fine than befriend me so i stop commenting on here
cause im lazy and dont like commenting on my friends blogs
so i only pm them
so befriend me and ill almost never comment on ur blog
Moar tiem crap.
The entire series one lasts about 2 mins 30 secs
The entire series two lasts about 4 mins 20 secs
The first episode of series three is 5 mins
And the entire of series 3 is heading towards 10 minutes! YAAAAAAY
grrrrrrr... i dont appreciate you not replying -.-
Basically, you're trying to FORCE me to be your friend. The way you're acting at the moment you've got no chance, so why don't you befriend me like any normal person - by being nice and stuff, and not pestering me about Badly Drawn Dawg?
Leave him alone karlu20, or act nicier as he said!.
That'd be goooood :D
And Splapp, why haven't you been on msn for ICE ages!?.....
...but thats how i befriend ppl... ask any1... its 1 of my many charms *cough*
fine fine... *gives you chocolate chip oatmeal cookies* but im only being nice cause its <3 day
SPLAPP!, why aren't you on msn????.
i dun care how long it takes as long as it gets here
and im the stalker? mmhmmm...
'splapp why arent you on msn *hyperventilating* i miss you my love!* etc
okay so i embelished just a bit... lol
you would be more embelished just a bit if you knew what we talk about!.
haha no i'm joking, he just hasn't been on for a while, he's on now though, more recently.
must... resist... urge... to... ahh fuck it ima do it anyways:
splapp and gallex sittin in a tree
k i s s i n g
first comes love
than comes marriage
than comes splapp jr in a baby carriage
just be thankful i didnt replace k i s s i n g with f u c k i n g which im prone to do lol
Errr.... yes.
Anyway, BDD3 is coming tomorrow. HAPPY NOW? :p
yay moar waiting!
the cake is lie oh an' stop nagging him people! im a good boy i dont nag...."cough hurry up"cough"
lololo it's coming it's coming. Very soooon! The bone is a lie!
21st - Has a little wait...
22nd - Waits...
23rd - Waits some more...
24th - Taps fingers on keyboard...
25th - Starts punching desk...
26th - Starts hitting the keyboard...
27th - WHO KNOWS?
Splapp you have more than enough time to do this badly drawn dawg 3, just finish the god darn thing! =)
Gemini55, the orange box is 5 video games including Half-life 2 episode 2 and Portal. It's awesome.
I'm gonna go buy that BDD shirt >;3
YAY! You do that :D
Also, BDD3 tomorrow! I MEAN IT THIS TIME
see ingredient statement on carton side panel
Wow, over 100 comments for a blog stating updates on BDD3...
I daren't think how many comments there will be to inform the release of BDD3!
No, really. I daren't.